Personal Asset List
Each player will receive a “Personal Assets List”. This is to allow players to keep track of companies, Bonds and Shares purchased. Whenever Bonds, Shares or Companies are purchased or affected by the news or luck cards, the players will update their respective assets on the list.
Once shares have been purchased by a player, he/she is to fill up the name of the shares together with the quantity, the price at which the shares were purchased and the total dividends to be received. All changes with regards to Shares must be updated on the list, such as Bonus Issue and Share Split, or are to be removed from the list when the shares have been sold as the player no longer holds the asset.
When a player purchases a Bond, he/she is to update the transaction on the “Personal Assets List” and record the name and face value of the Bond and circling the number of years to maturity on the list with each passing of the “Go!” square. Each time the player passes ‘Go!’, he/she has to cancel one year on the “Personal Assets List” as one ‘Go!’ represents one year. Once the Bond has matured, the player has to remove all details of the Bond from their “Personal Assets List” as he/she no longer holds the asset. The player is to collect the face value proceeds from the Bank.
When a player purchases a company, he/she is to record the name of the company under the “Companies Owned” section in the “Personal Assets List”. Initially, companies are in the ‘Seed Stage’ and this is to be reflected on the “Stage” section. When a player upgrades or downgrades a company, he is to update the stage section beside the company’s name. Stages of a company include ‘Seed’, ‘Start Up’, ‘Early Stage’, ‘Expansion’ and ‘IPO’.