Luck Cards

There are 2 'Luck!' spaces on the board and when players step on them, they have to draw a card from the deck.
This is the front of the 'Luck!' deck.

Below will be a brief explanation on the luck cards which will be included in A-Venture.

1. Cards in this context allow players to collect the stated amount of money from the bank.

2. These cards will allow player to collect the stated amount from each and every player.

3. Players with this card are able to have a free upgrade on any one of their existing companies.

4. Players are able to advance to ‘Go!’ and collect any dividends that they have from the shares that they purchased.

5. Players will be able to make a mandatory offer to takeover any company of any player of their choice

6. Players may trade a property with another player

7. This card allows players to take over any company by paying the company owner an amount agreed by the two affected players.

8. Players have to downgrade one of his/her company by one stage.

9. Players have to pay stipulated amount to all players.